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A cystic benign vulva lesion covered by skin epidermis. It is composed of complex papillary glandular growth with nuclear stratification, mild nuclear pleomophism, inconspicuous nucleoli and infrequent mitoses. A myoepitheial layer is always present around each gland and papillary structure. No desmolasia is present in hyalinized stroma. Ulcerated cases may mimic cancer on physical examination.
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Grocott staining relies on chemical reduction of the mucopolysaccharide component of fungal walls to aldehydes. The stain is based on staining described by Gomori and the two eponyms are sometimes used interchangeably. Both rely on methenamine silver as part of the staining, which is how the staining is sometimes referred.
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Institut für Pathologie in Paderborn und Höxter. Was macht ein Pathologe? Informationen für Patienten und Interessierte. Online Formulare herunterladen und ausdrucken oder Probengefäße bestellen.